Ottawa Carleton Soccer League

Looking for a Team

Are you looking for a team to play on? Click the Add Listing button to post your request.

Current requests are listed below.

Posted Date Heading Gender
2025-02-2620 year old playerMaleView
2025-02-22Looking for MC1/MC2 teamMaleView
2025-02-1623 year old played overseas looking for a teamMaleView
2025-02-15Senior team member MaleView
2025-02-15 Looking for a team CM,CAM,ST MR1-MR2MaleView
2025-02-12Cdm/cm/LM/LW/LB looking for MR2/MR3/MR4 teamsMaleView
2025-02-11Lw/st/cam 20 years old any divisionMaleView
2025-02-11Right back. LB, CB, DM. Played in MMSL(6yrs)MaleView
2025-02-0319 y/o LW / CAM / CM Very openMaleView
2025-01-30CM/CDM/LM/RM looking for MC3,MC2MaleView
2024-11-19Fast skillful Lw good shooting looking for clubMaleView
2024-10-17CM,CAM,LW, 23 year old looking to join compMaleView
2024-10-11Goalkeeper looking for a teamMaleView
2024-04-21RB/LB/CB looking for MC1 team.MaleView
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