Club Forms
Club Application - Applications will only be accepted from the club officials listed on the OCSL website
Reserve Team - Due May 5th @ 11:59PM
Team Forms
Call Up Permit (calling up from a team within own club)
Call Up Permit Under 18 (calling up from within own club that is 15 - 17 years old)
STRP - Short Term Registration Permit - see note below
TEP - Temporary Eligibility Permit - See note below
Transfer - This form is to be completed and submitted by your club and sent to the appropriate District Association
STRP - Short Term Registration Permit Form - issued by EOS
What is a STRP?
An STRP is a short term trial permit that allows a team to sign a player that has not been registered anywhere in Ontario for the governing season (example outdoor 2023).
How many games can a player play on an STRP?
An STRP allows a player to play THREE (3) games in THIRTY (30) days. All three games must be with the same team. The three game numbers must be indicated on the form.
How many STRPs can a player use in a season?
A player can use a maximum of TWO (2) STRPs per season. Both STRPs must be with different clubs.
A player CANNOT use two STRPs to play with two different regional teams (MP & WP)
Who submits the form to the EOS?
Your club register must submit the form to
How much does an STRP cost?
TEP - Temporary Eligibility Permit - issued by EOS
What is a TEP?
A TEP allows a team to call up a player from a lower-level team that is registered within another club
How long is a TEP good for?
ONE (1) game
How many TEPs can a player use per season?
Where can I get this form?
The EOS website
Who needs to sign off on the form?
The form must be signed off by the club this is releasing the player for the game, and the club that is borrowing the player.
For more information, contact the EOS