Ottawa Carleton Soccer League

Activate Your Team

How do I activate my team?

Follow along with our Team Official Manual starting on page 6 OR follow these steps:

  • Go to the bottom of the 'Team Management' page (OCSL website under 'My Team')
  • Enter the activation code (your club can provide you with this) and select your club
  • Select your team and enter your information (phone number must be in format 613-555-5555)
  • Activate Account

How do I update my team's uniform colour(s)?

See pages 10-13 of the Team Official Manual or follow these steps:

  • Login to OCSL website
  • Select 'My Team'
  • Select 'Setup'
  • Select the Menu button (three horizontal lines)
  • Select 'Uniform' from the drop down menu
  • Update colours

How do I add players to my roster?

See pages 14-15 of the Team Official Manual or follow these steps:

  • Login to OCSL website
  • Select 'My Team'
  • Select 'Setup'
  • Select the Menu button (three horizontal lines)
  • Select 'Roster' from the drop down menu
  • Add player's name, registration number ('SEOS55555') and DOB. Jersey numbers can be updated at any time during the season. Alternatively, managers can also import their rosters in CSV format. Contact your club for this information.
  • 'Save Player'.
  • The players will not show on the game sheet until the league has approved them (roughly a week before your first game)
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